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Powerflushing based in in Withernsea

Noticed cold spots on your radiator? Or found that your boiler is taking longer than usual to heat up your home? If your central heating system isn't at its most effective, it could be because debris has built up over time and is now causing blockages. This might sound technical but there are a few major reasons this is important:

  • Makes it harder to heat your home: If blockages are occurring in your central heating system, you'll likely end up with radiators that are cold to touch and a system that takes ages to heat up properly. Especially in the colder winter months, this is far from ideal. 
  • Reduces your boiler's lifespan: If your boiler is having to work overtime to heat your property, it will put it under strain and mean that it will have a lessened life expectancy.
  • Increases chance of breakdown: For this same reason, your boiler will be more likely to break down if it is having to deal with an inefficient central heating system. This will leave you with costly and inconvenient breakdowns that could otherwise have been avoided. 

Powerflushing based in Withernsea

We have a range of powerflushing options available to our customers, we'll go through some of these below. 


Kamco powerflush

Power flushing pumps and chemicals from Kamco are designed to purge your central heating system of sludge, scale and corrosion that are affecting efficiency. Once the Kamco equipment dislodges the buildup of sludge and corrosion deposits, it will pump clean water through the system and help safely discard these deposits.



MagnaCleanse system flushing removes debris that builds up in a central heating system. It can even shift debris that has hardened over time, meaning that we don't necessarily have to remove your radiators to completely clean the system. 



The Thoroughflush system can be used on a wide range of systems, both old and new. It can be used to generate fantastic results in a short amount of time. By improving system water quality quickly and effectively, our customers can reap the benefits of a more efficient central heating system. 



Fernox is one of the market-leading manufacturers of equipment and products designed to improve central heating system efficiency. Watch the video from Fernox to see how a powerflush can benefit your central heating system.

Get in touch for a free estimate

If you're interested in powerflushing and if it's a good fit for your central heating system, please get in touch and a friendly, qualified member of the team will be able to talk you through it. We'll also be able to arrange a free, no-obligation estimate so you can get a clear sense of the costs involved before going ahead. 

To get in touch, please give us a call on 01964 404 142 or send us a message by clicking the button below.

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